By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Social networking and the news

On Thursday I had a chance to take part in a panel on “Getting Started with Social Media: Lessons from the Front Lines,” sponsored by the Mass Technology Leadership Council.

It was an interesting experience, and I learned a lot from the other panelists — Perry Allison of, Pam Johnston of and Brian Halligan of HubSpot. The moderator was Debi Kleiman of Communispace in Watertown, whose Fenway Park-theme meeting room was where we held our presentation.

I’ve posted the slideshow that accompanied my talk. Slideshare appeared to choke on embedded links, so I’ve listed them below in case you’d like to check any of them out.

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  1. Tony

    And don’t forget, you’ll be talking about News Reporting – Blogging and the Media at NEPA on Feb. 6 …

  2. Dan Kennedy

    Tony: Given that it’s mostly GateHouse people at NEPA functions, I’m totally intimidated. I’m not sure what to tell people that they’re not already doing. Any thoughts?

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