By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Questions raised in the passive voice (III)

While the New York Times offers lazy speculation, the Washington Post’s Eli Saslow reports facts:

Long before federal prosecutors charged Blagojevich with bribery this week, Obama had worked to distance himself from his home-state governor. The two men have not talked for more than a year, colleagues said, save for a requisite handshake at a funeral or public event. Blagojevich rarely campaigned for Obama and never stumped with him. The governor arrived late at the Democratic convention and skipped Obama’s victory-night celebration at Chicago’s Grant Park.

Obama’s political mentor, Abner Mikva: “You don’t get through Chicago like Barack Obama did unless you know how to avoid people like that.”

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Questions raised in the passive voice (II)


Not worried about the Yankees


  1. Nate

    But, but, but… I thought Obama’s political mentor was Bill Ayres! 😉

  2. Bill Baar

    oh please… Obama and the Gov having a jolly time not so long ago.

  3. O'Reilly

    I can’t identify what Bill Barr finds so obviously conflicting in the two excerpts, the first excerpt by Washington Post’s Eli Saslow and the second by The New Yorker’s Ryan Lizza. Saying “oh please” and asserting that they had a “jolly time” doesn’t really put a fine point on it. The primary issue at hand is whether the Obama team has breached any ethical or criminal boundries by talking to Blago about the Senate replacement for Obama. If you want to examine their past relationship, do it but at least make some factual claims and fair value judgments. This Republican “guilt by association” gambit and casting vague aspersions is getting tiresome and perpetually obstructionist.

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