By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Callahan says he had throat cancer

WEEI Radio (AM 850) morning-show co-host Gerry Callahan today confirms longstanding rumors that his months-long absence in 2007 was due to serious illness. In his Boston Herald column, Callahan writes that he was being treated for throat cancer.

Bruce Allen notes that Callahan timed his announcement to coincide with the annual WEEI-NESN telethon for the Jimmy Fund. Good move — it will raise interest and could well result in more money for the Jimmy Fund.

Media Nation is no fan of “Dennis & Callahan,” with its snide putdowns of everyone to the left of Dick Cheney. But I wish Callahan well.

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  1. Rick

    Classless Dan.I thought you were better than that.

  2. Steve

    I’m not usually a fan of Callahan either, but that’s one hell of a column he’s written today.

  3. Mike from Norwell

    Needless to say, whatever you think of D&C, visit the Jimmy Fund site today or tomorrow and make a donation. Way too familiar with Dana Farber and MGH at this point.

  4. Dan Kennedy

    Mike: Excellent advice, and I just took it. Here is the direct link.Rick?

  5. Rick

    Sorry DanI just think you could have wished him well without the remark about how you’re not a fan.You don’t need to love the guy to wish him and his family well.Just my opinion

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