Redesign hits a snag

For the moment, at least, I’ve decided to revert to the old design. The problem is that Blogger provides very few templates, and they’re all two-column.

The three-column template I tried last night was of uncertain provenance, and there were some things that just didn’t work properly. In addition, Mrs. Media Nation informed me that though it allowed me to try some new ideas, it was pretty much unreadable. I knew she was right, but tried to tell myself otherwise.

So I tried a different three-column template tonight, and it was pretty clear that I’d chosen something with even more problems.

I’m sick of this design, but it’s relatively easy on the eyes. So, for now at least, it stays.

If didn’t ban advertising, I’d switch. It has many more options and, in general, is a more robust blogging platform than Blogger. It even works as a pretty decent content-management system. Check out the site I put together for our church.

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3 thoughts on “Redesign hits a snag”

  1. I like this format (the “old” format)a lot and look forward to clicking on to your site. Why change? Maybe a lot of us are tired of so much information on a page.

  2. You can keep your Blogger interface but use a non-Blogger template. You know this, right? For instance, my template at is based on a third-party design downloaded from

  3. Ari: Yes. That’s what I’ve been doing. But I had some problems with the first one I tried, and the second one seemed to be buggy. It sent me running for safety and security! But I don’t think I’d discovered BloggerBuster, so I will check it out. Thanks.

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