By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

My life, in 140 characters or fewer

I’ve finally given up on my hope that Twitter would go away. You can find my Twitter page here. Hell, no, I don’t know how to use it.

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  1. Esther

    Dan, This is great! Now I can keep track of what you’re doing 24 hours a day! Gosh, I feel so low-tech “only” having a blog. I’m not on MySpace or Friendster or Facebook or LinkedIn or any social networking site. I’m way behind the curve! Guess I have some catching up to do.

  2. Jp

    Hi Dan,Just wanted to make sure you knew about twhirl – it has the ability to send links/photos built into it for twittering.Welcome to the twittosphere. :)-J

  3. Tish Grier

    the trick to figuring out Twitter is to not apply too much brainpower to it. after awhile you’ll figure out who likes conversation on it, and who’s simply using it as a broadcast mechanism for their egos. and then you can get into all the “debates” about how important twitter is to journalism! 😉

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