By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

As always, the first casualty

In my latest for the Guardian, I consider the plight of Zoriah Miller, a freelance photographer who’s been banned from covering U.S. Marines in Iraq because his images are too graphic. And I argue that the Bush administration’s ongoing censorship of the war’s photographic record is giving John McCain an unfair advantage.

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  1. Suldog

    Well, hell, Dan, if we had one or two members of Congress with balls enough to stand up to The President… I mean, this is hardly a Republican doing alone.You know me. I could give a rat’s hairy ass about R’s or D’s. But censorship doesn’t happen without the aid of folks from across aisle.

  2. Don, American

    Or maybe if he saw them, he would be seen to cry, and gain even a greater advantage. You don’t think Obama would cry, do you?

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