By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Robert Novak has a brain tumor

Here’s some bad news. Just a few days ago we were all snickering at conservative commentator Robert Novak after a pedestrian somehow ended up on his windshield without his seeming to notice it.

Now it turns out he’s been diagnosed with a brain tumor and is being treated in Boston at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

Media Nation extends its best wishes to the Prince of Darkness, a true American original who helped define the modern political columnist and the television talking head.

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  1. Anonymous

    As the saying goes, if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all. So I won’t say anything at all…

  2. Anonymous

    Perhaps the tumor will starve.

  3. mike_b1

    Does Novak have a brain tumor, or does the brain tumor have Novak?It’s funny. When I was at Illinois, you couldn’t get through a single writing course without someone mentioning such alums as Roger Ebert, Bill Geist, Roger Simon, etc. Heck, even Hugh Hefner was legend. No one ever mentioned Novak, however.Just saying…

  4. Anonymous

    Does Rove know? He’ll have to find another shill if Novak stops writing. Oh, wait…. In D.C. that shouldn’t be too hard.

  5. Anonymous

    You have the kindest and most compassionate readers Dan.What a classy few.

  6. Anonymous

    Re: “true American original who helped define the modern political columnist”While I doubt he’s an “original”, he does bear a great deal of responsibility for the poisonous, nasty state of affairs in political commentary. Or should I say shill?

  7. Anonymous

    Classy readers, Dan. Funny, I didn’t see any of these leftist loons wishing ill on the Senior Senator of MA, who, BTW, once killed a girl, left the scene of the accident, and didn’t reporting it for 12 hours. Oh, yeah, but he’s a liberal icon!!!!! Hypocritical turds!

  8. Sean Roche

    Dan, Lest you think all your left-wing readers are heartless and suffering irony-deprivation, I got the joke. “[H]elped define the modern political columnist and the television talking head.” Could there be a bigger insult? Very wry.

  9. Don, American

    My, what a lot of vitriol. Did I miss something? When did he grow horns? Good grief. . .

  10. don t mince

    Is that what makes this malignant commentator capable of such crimes (unindicted, unpunsished, although we migh be witnessing cosmic punishment in development) as the treasonous outing of a CIA operative?

  11. DJS

    You guys don’t know tough.Recall this remembrance of the late Richard Nixon by the late and long lamented Hunter S. Thompson:If the right people had been in charge of Nixon’s funeral, his casket would have been launched into one of those open-sewage canals that empty into the ocean just south of Los Angeles. He was a swine of a man and a jabbering dupe of a president. Nixon was so crooked that he needed servants to help him screw his pants on every morning. Even his funeral was illegal. He was queer in the deepest way. His body should have been burned in a trash bin.It’s more than just vitriol, guys.Doug ShugartsBrookline, MA

  12. Mike's America

    Don said: “Is that what makes this malignant commentator capable of such crimes (unindicted, unpunsished, although we migh be witnessing cosmic punishment in development) as the treasonous outing of a CIA operative?”Gee Don… I thought you were talking about Ted Kennedy, who also suffers from a brain tumor and who actually DID kill a young girl.Who died in the Valerie Plame affair?P.S. The sixteen words in Bush’s state of the union address were TRUE! Iraq DID buy uranium in Africa. Somehow I doubt you are aware of that.

  13. mike_b1

    mike, you can’t be serious. The CIA — which means the US taxpayers — spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to train and position Plame where she could do things like gaining the information to protect the same people who chose to destroy her career — and our investment — because they were too immature to handle it any other way. And enough with the Bush/Cheney lies. Isn’t 4,000 dead Americans enough? After what we now know, those who continue to support those false notions are as responsible for those Americans’ deaths as those who pull the triggers and set the bombs.

  14. Dan Kennedy

    Mike B1: To build on your point, if anyone died as a result of Plame’s being outed, we wouldn’t know. She was an operative for WMDs who traveled overseas. It’s likely that there were people put in an incredibly compromised position once her cover was blown.

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