By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Al Giordano fights for DNC credentials

Narco News founder and former Boston Phoenix political reporter Al Giordano is involved in a nasty dispute with a Web site called

Earlier this year, Giordano was blogging the primaries on a RuralVotes page called The Field (see this and this). But recently, claiming censorship, he took it down and moved it to his own site. Now he wants the credentials to the Democratic National Convention that had been awarded to The Field when it was based at RuralVotes, claiming — with quite a bit of statistical evidence — that his readers have followed him to his new location.

There doesn’t seem to be anything on the old site giving the RuralVotes side of this dispute. As best as I can tell, The Field has been renamed The Back Forty. If anyone would like to respond to Giordano’s charges, I would be glad to post it.

Giordano is an astute political observer and a dedicated rabble-rouser. I wish him well.

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1 Comment

  1. Neil

    Man what a mess! After poking through some of them pages a few things seemed apparent:Giordano and RuralVotes didn’t seem like a good fit to begin with and he’s better off elsewhere anyway. I didn’t get the added value to him of being on that site. Kozikowski seemed happy to host an “Abbie Hoffman protege” as long as he brought hits, right up to the point where he actually roused some old-timey rabble with references to ancient “radicals” which threatened…funding for Obama? According to her emails to Giordano. Is that the function of the site? Not according to the “mission” paragraph. All of a sudden it’s “Who let this dreadful unkempt man into our tea party!”RuralVotes apparently will refund money donated to send Giordano to Denver upon request by email. Their strategy appears to be to “disappear” Al from their site by refraining from any mention of him whatsoever. So I’d guess you won’t hear their side of the story, because mum’s the word!He sure seems to have taken his hits with him, and he has just reached the $7.4K in donations he needed to go to Denver. The question of whether he has credentials is still open, but looks like he has a good shot.

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