By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Reason #11 revisited

A Media Nation reader thinks I should note that a restraining order taken out against Shawn Hendricks, head of the Mashpee Wampanoag tribal council, has been dropped. Fair enough.

But I think I should also note that, according to this Cape Cod Times story, Hendricks has admitted to using steroids; to engaging in some sort of “a tug-of-war battle” over his son; and to “smashing his arm through a glass door during a fight with his wife.”

Glad I could clear that up.

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  1. patty

    I’m glad you commenting on this issue as well, Dan.Women don’t lie about stuff like this and it’s bothersome that this is acceptable to the Tribe.

  2. stan

    First, the investors support a rapist and serial liar, knowing his history. Now this? Note to the Mashpee: You’ve got some serious image problems. Is this the best you can do for leadership? And you want a billion dollar mega casino? This isn’t about heritage from what you’re exhibiting, but rather about the money that has been said right along. You might want to reconsider your flawed leadership before you count your pieces of gold.

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