By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions


Beckett should win Game 5, but can Schilling and (gasp) Daisuke bring the Sox home? I’m getting awfully close to saying, “Wait till next year.”

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Pray for rain


You call this a plan?


  1. Bill Toscano

    The spec is already Lester in Game 7.

  2. BosPhotog

    Wait, what’s this? Back to back to back homers! Whoa!!

  3. Anonymous

    If it gets to Game 7. What’s bad is that Cleveland figured out the knuckleball. Wakefield really didn’t lose it, Cleveland batters timed it better.

  4. Tony

    Boy, Wakefield was masterful for four innings and then … What a drag.

  5. O-FISH-L

    Francona gave Wakefield the hook waaaay too early. He had a no hitter going into the 4th, and could have easily kept the shutout in the 5th if the ball hadn’t deflected off his glove. Instead they bring in DelCarmen and fugggedaboutit. Put Gagne on the DL immediately and activate Tavarez for long relief or else it’s over in 6.

  6. Dan Kennedy

    Fish: I agree about Wakefield, but I refuse to second-guess Francona. Wakefield is hurt, and maybe Terry saw something we didn’t see.

  7. Joe Morgan

    Got ’em right where we want ’em.

  8. Anonymous

    Dan, I think even Francona’s wife is supposed to call him “Tito.”Maybe you’re right about his decision to lift Wakefield. But it looked a little like panic to me.Same with the decision to lift Gagne in the 11th in Game 2. I know, I know – Gagne, Gag me. But with one out and two on, I thought he should pitch to Nixon. Unless Lopez induces the double play, someone still has to finish the inning. It’s not fair to ask Lester to come in mid-inning with runners on – he’s a starter.Better to try to get through the 11th and then hand it off to Lester to start the 12th and let him go multiple innings if necessary.

  9. Anonymous

    don’t give up – our guys are less well-balanced that Cleveland but they have the talent to pull it out if they start focusing better per at bat and score early thurs night. tito’s mistake was not putting ellsbury in the lineup for crisp last night. but the pileup of ominous things going cleveland’s way continues — the ball four to manny that was called a strike in game 3. the deflection off wake’s glove in game 4. youk’s liner in game 2 that was caught. these are things that a whole series can turn on. sometimes the gods toy with red sox nation.

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