By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Pray for rain

But don’t count on it. According to this forecast, it looks like there’s a better-than-even chance that tomorrow night’s Red Sox-Indians game will be played. Godspeed, Tim Wakefield.

It’s not over. But man.

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Nostalgia won’t pay the bills




  1. Farty

    The sooner they lose, the sooner the pink hat-wearing, back-shaving, Bud-swilling, ‘Yankees Suck!’-screaming, Dunkin’ Donuts-eating members of Red Sox Nation can go back to kicking puppies and passing gas on crowded elevators.

  2. Suldog

    Here’s hoping Wake can come through a la 2003 versus the Yankees – excluding the final Aaron Boone bit, of course. He was immense in that series and may well have received the MVP if the Sox had won.

  3. Roddy

    Nonsense… They fell right into the trap. The whack on their strut tonight will knock them into 2008.Please pass the bottle.

  4. endangered coffee


  5. Peter Porcupine

    The sooner they lose, the sooner we can concentrate on the UNDEFEATED Pats – who are playing the Colts soon…

  6. Don (no longer) Fluffy

    Trot did what? Predictable.

  7. Anonymous

    Tim Wakefield has seen it all. Kevin Kennedy to Terry Francona. The Hit Dog to Big Papi. Timmy will get it done, because Timmy is the Red Sox!HERE WE GO RED SOX, HERE WE GO!

  8. DJS

    Who cares about the Patsies? This is a baseball town.

  9. Adam

    Will you be writing anything on the Shield Law that passed in the House today.It undoubtedly will be vetoed, but it was nice to see a nearly unified voice from Congress on this issue.

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