By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions’s new look unveils a slick-looking redesign. Smart — not too many people will be looking at it over Labor Day weekend, giving them a couple of days to work out the bugs.

Pluses: It’s attractive, and you can post comments on stories, which gives the Herald a leg up on the Globe’s site. A minus: There’s still no view where you can see a list of every story in the paper from top to bottom, as you can with the Globe.

Overall, a big step forward.

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  1. Bill

    > Overall, a big step forward.However, they broke their existing RSS feed subscriptions. They should have been able to redirect them or generate the old ones with “go here” or something !!! redirects to an HTML error page which is unintelligible to a feed reader. hasn’t updated in 24 hours but is still there.New front page appears to use a Feedburner url now?But that hasn’t updated since the paper hit deadline last night either. Hope they update more often when fully going …Bill R.

  2. Amusedbutinformedobserver

    The last site was extremely difficult to navigate. There’s still a conflict in Web news between accessibility and graphic design. I like the Globe site because it brings the stories in a list (that’s also the one good thing about Drudge), but then I thought making copy editors responsible for fancy Quarking of news pages (and evaluating their worth on design elements rather than on the words) was one of the worst trends in the history of journalism.

  3. Anonymous

    Another minus: Many of the links are dead. Try clicking on the link to the payroll database, for instance.

  4. Anonymous

    Actually, the last design was simple to navigate – and the main reason I liked it better than Everything was plain and easy to see. Now it looks better, but I’m having to relearn the site. No biggie, it happens every time a site in my daily routine redesigns. So far, nice work BH.

  5. Anonymous

    I particularly liked today’s video posted within the story about the fallen firefighter’s funeral — I think it was the Herald’s first attempt at this type of presentation.

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