By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Thinking about Murdoch

My latest commentary for the Guardian is online. I describe my first direct encounter, in the late 1980s, with Rupert Murdoch’s highly personal brand of journalism.

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  1. Larz

    It’s not what Murdoch himself would do the WSJ, but what people at the Journal, especially those hired under an RM regime, would do in his name, even without orders, seeking to please him and gain favor.I can’t say that I agree with much on the WSJ ed page, but they run do some — many — great articles that nobody else has. The WSJ’s greatest contribution to America is its role as a truly independent newspaper, and it appears that will be sacrificed to the whims of a mogul who only became an American citizen in order to own U.S. broadcasting licenses.R.I.P. WSJ.

  2. Anonymous

    The people complaining the loudest here are those with no skin in the game. DJ has supported my family for a VERY long time. I know whereof I speak. The status quo ante is not an option. Deal with it. The future is electronic and corporate. This is like bemoaning the end of American TV manufacturers or independent stationary stores. If you have a less objectionable, viable solution, let’s hear it. If this were George Soros rather than Rupert, much of the agida would go away, since this discussion is really about ideology, not salvaging a business.

  3. Larz

    Maybe ??? you’re right. George Soros doesn’t own any trashy tabloids, nor any stationary (sic) stores. And George isn’t proposing to put an independent news icon into his corporate fold.Larz

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