By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Saturday in the Bronx

The problem with doing this today is that I won’t be able to do it tomorrow. But I don’t want to take any chances — after all, the Sox could lose this afternoon. Anyway …

From the New York Post:

Could Torre, who is in the final year of his contract, really be fired before April is finished? Is Torre the reason the starting rotation has melted in the first month and put an alarming workload on the bullpen? Is it Torre’s fault the lineup, so potent through 19 games, has gone 20 innings without an extra-base hit? [Obvious answers: yes, no and no.]

If Steinbrenner and the voices he is listening to believe the answers are “yes,” and if the Yankees get swept this weekend by the Red Sox, it’s not out of the realm of the possibility that The Boss could make a change.

Next up, the Daily News:

So where is the fight in this team? They didn’t just lose last night, the Red Sox embarrassed them in their own Stadium, to the point where fans mocked them with cheers when they finally got three outs in the ninth inning….

Is this the year? Is this the year that, for all of the talent on the roster, the pieces never fall into place? Is this the year that age and injuries and bad karma send the Yankees tumbling down the mountain?

Oh, let’s hope.

Finally, from the New York Times:

The season is too young to be slipping away from the Yankees. But it has gotten ugly quickly, with the team on its longest losing streak since 2000. The voices in the organization that grumble about Manager Joe Torre, whose contract expires after the season, will grow louder if the losses keep mounting.

Torre left Yankee Stadium at 12:40am this morning, much later than usual. He was nearly fired after last season, and if the Yankees are swept this weekend, his job security would be very much at risk. It is doubtful that General Manager Brian Cashman could save Torre’s job again.

Great stuff, eh? And wouldn’t it be wonderful if Torre got fired? The man is a great manager and a class act. Maybe the Sox could hire him as a bench coach. The Yankees should love looking into the other dugout and seeing that.

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  1. Michael Corcoran

    Its interesting how Boston fans seem to have a great deal of respect for Torre (begrudging respect, for obvious reasons) while they want to cut him loose here in New York.Hmmm ….

  2. A.J. Cordi

    I’m a Yankees fan, but I also respect Boston’s coach a great deal. The two coaches are just great at what they do.Though I’m sure it’s coming sooner rather than later, I can’t picture looking at the bench and not seeing Torre sitting there.But, as rumors go, a possible replacement for Torre could be one of my childhood heroes – and the reason I played first base – Don Mattingly (spelling?) That’s truly the only person I would feel comfortable seeing on the bench other than Torre, no matter what the circumstance.Sorry, I’m just a huge Torre fan. As much as I try to stay unbias, I can’t stand all the reporting against him, whether it’s true or not. I still think that if “The Boss” was going to fire him, he would have done it already.

  3. Dan Kennedy

    Don’t worry, A.J. In Steinbrenner’s reptilian brain, the fact that Rivera had a good day Saturday means Torre is suddenly a much better manager than he was Friday.

  4. O-FISH-L

    DanFirst of all, thanks for jinxing the Sox today. (kidding)Pardon the terrible pun, but my friends in NYC tell me that Steinbrenner has really “lost his fastball” and emotionally / physically is a shadow of his former self.Something tells me that if this were the 70s, 80s and into the 90s, he would have been loudly apoplectic about the Yanks dismal start. Has he said anything to date this year?Lastly, how can anyone blame Torre when Brian Cashman failed to (paraphrasing Bill Parcells) “deliver the groceries” in the off-season? Sounds like blaming the victim to me.

  5. Wes

    They Yanks often trail in the first half of the season. Did so last year, and before Labor Day the Red Sox might as well stayed in hammocks.Big Stein’s advanced age has slowed him down, but it is doubtful that Torre would be removed this season regardless of record.And, for any Red Sox fan to gasbag about anything prior to Labor Day is ridiculous.

  6. Steve

    Red Sox fans who pay attention must admit – Wes speaks the truth.The Yankees have won the division for the past 9 years.I wouldn’t be surprised if for 5 or more of those years, the Red Sox were in first place at the end of May.(More days in first place, more days in first place, more days in first place…)

  7. A.J. Cordi

    I still have the theory that Steinbrenner arranged this “Torre plot” with the New York media to help give the players more of a “mental” edge. Steinbrenner does have the power to do that.And Wes, thank you for saying that. I say the same thing every year a hundred times. The Yankees always bounce back after the All-Star break. It’s nice to see someone else that realizes it, too.

  8. Don

    The outcome of the game is determined by the players with a generous dollop of luck. Joe Torre can manage for me anytime.

  9. Steve

    Don, did you watch the 2003 ALCS?

  10. man who's a red sox fan

    Meh. It’s fun now, but talk to me after the All Star break.The Yankees have a lot of injuries right now. The Red Sox don’t, but they eventually will. No doubt right about when the Yankees are getting healthy. So our time in the dumpster will come…remember late July 2006?

  11. Dan Kennedy

    I’m disappointed. Steinbrenner blew a chance to enhance his legend by firing Torre the day before Torre’s brother undergoes a kidney transplant. (Before you accuse me of being a horrible person, remember, I want the Sox to hire Torre as Tito’s bench coach.) More to the point, Steinbrenner was supposedly waiting to see how the Yankees played over the weekend. Well, gee, how could they have played any worse? Maybe if Rivera had coughed it up on Saturday …

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