By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Conflicting accounts

Wouldn’t you think that before Gov. Deval Patrick put forth his latest account of his interactions with federal officials prior to the New Bedford immigration raid, he’d make sure he wouldn’t be immediately contradicted by two members of his own administration? The Globe’s Yvonne Abraham has the details. And the Massachusetts Liberal has a smart, deep take on all this.

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1 Comment

  1. ChefBill

    Hi Dan,Contrast this with Romney’s reign. In his first weeks in office, he put a freeze on all departments from talking to the press about anything, unless they had permission from his office. In four years, I don’t think that permission ever came. The upside was a consistent message. The downside? What weren’t we being told? With this latest flap, sure, the messages are inconsistent. I’m not defending Patrick at all. But this raid was such a mess, it’s possible different folks were told diffrent things by the feds. There’ll be a lot to sort out over this. I’d rather know that, rather than be spoon fed a sanitized version.

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