By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Welcome to Media Nation 2.0

Well, not quite. But I updated to the new version of Blogger a little while ago. It doesn’t look that much different, but it’s got some new features. I’m excited/intimidated by the ability to assign “labels” (what most Web 2.0 types call “tags”). Potentially it’s a great way to find related posts. But I can’t just jump in; I’ll need a system.

Does anyone have any solid tips for using tags?

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Death of a newscast


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  1. Steve

    I was dismayed to see you making the switch after Atrios’s tribulations. I was expecting to be without Media Nation for 1 whole day! (Oh, the horror!)But your switch was much easier, I see.Mazel Tov!

  2. Michael Goldberg

    If you surf around the blogosphere you can see there are no hard and fast rules. You can be as liberal with your tags — using lots of labels on each post — or succinct (few, high-level labels) as you want. The difference would be having a label such as “newspapers” vs. one that says “Globe” or “Herald.” You can do both, too. You can use labels over time to create sections of interest in your blog, that make it easy to track an issue, or a certain topic.I don’t pretend to have it figured out, but you can see my blog for parents of kids with autism,, and see one way of doing it. I’m sure there are better ways too, and it would be good to see others’ ideas.

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