Severin returns

Well, this was inevitable. The Boston Globe reports that WTKK Radio (96.9 FM) has consigned yipping ninny Michael Graham to nights so that it can bring back Jay Severin, the loathsome but listenable host whom Graham replaced.

Here is ‘TKK’s announcement.

This is certainly bad news for Howie Carr, who’ll once again be competing head to head with Severin on WRKO (AM 680). Severin was regularly beating Carr before departing for a syndication deal. I haven’t studied the ratings lately, but Graham couldn’t possibly have been giving him as much trouble as Severin did.

Update: Brian Maloney’s take on Severin is absolutely brutal, but lots of fun.

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8 thoughts on “Severin returns”

  1. What a concept. Two programs, each with something to offer listeners who no longer feel disenfranchised. Say, I’ll bet that a whole network could be started for “progressives”…er, never mind….(damn those yipping ninnies!)

  2. One of the plus’ of this move is that Boston now has more local talk!You mentioned Howie Carr getting competition….now Todd Feinberg(WRKO) and Paul Sullivan(WBZ) will get more competition as WTKK runs locally in the evening…

  3. Rick – evening drive they’re listening to NPR on either WBUR or WGBH, or they’re listening to Randi Rhodes (or Ed Schultz) on WXKS or WKOX. There’s plenty for liberals, at least around here.Or maybe they’re listening to Michael Savage (on WCAP around here), if they’re too far gone that mere conservatives don’t satisfy them! It’s amazing that guy has an audience. But he’s the step beyond screamin’ Jay.

  4. I love Brian Maloney’s website but he is a fill-in host on WRKO, WTKK’s competition – of course he’s going to bash Severin. I love Howie Carr but I do enjoy Severin every now and then. Nonetheless, Maloney should have been a little more upfront with his relationship with WRKO in his column (he has mentioned it in this past but an explanation in this column would have been warranted).

  5. Steve,No one said there was a shortage of liberal talk. Just that anyone who disagrees with it gets marginalized as a “yipping ninny” or some such. At least you’re honest enough to admit the balance to NPR provided by conservative talk. (I never have understood Savage. Why would I care what a nutritionist says about politics?) I miss Brudnoy more every day…

  6. Rick – as far as I can determine (I spent 5 minutes with Google, therefore I am an expert), the coinage “yipping ninny” is original with you.

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