By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Whose justice?

The New York Times reports today that Steven D. Green, the American ex-soldier charged with raping a young Iraqi woman and murdering her and her family, may either be mustered back into the Army and court-martialed or tried in a civilian court.

But hold on. I’m certainly no legal expert, but it seems to me that if American authorities decide to try Green in a civilian court, it’s got to be an Iraqi civilian court. Perhaps he could be recalled and court-martialed, but how could he be tried by the U.S. domestic justice system? The crime he is alleged to have committed took place on Iraqi soil.

Do we have an extradition treaty with the new Iraqi government?

Time for a Slate Explainer.

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  1. Anonymous

    Check out the Slate etymology of “al”. People are described by where they come from or their profession. Kinda like the Mafia.

  2. Don

    I was hoping he was innocent, but now it appears Mr. Green has mental problems. I pray we will not indict the entire U.S. military over one sick soldier.

  3. Dan Kennedy

    Hatlo — Agreed, except there were possibly as many as four involved in this particular incident, and three or four other incidents being investigated as well.

  4. Anonymous

    Uh, Halto,A soldier *confessed* to the crimes. He had a bout of guilt, according to the Pentagon, because the two soldiers who were murdered and mutilated were part of his platoon. He thought it might have been revenge (although the Pentagon denies that).

  5. Liam

    The group which claimed responsibility for the murders of the soldiers have said that is why they did it.

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