By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

More on Mark

Shortly after signaling my intention to write more about Mark Jurkowitz’s departure from the Boston Phoenix — and from Boston — I realized I had written pretty much what I had wanted to say nearly a year ago, when it was announced that he would replace me as the Phoenix’s media columnist. You can read it here. Mark is a mentor and a friend, and he’ll be greatly missed. The Project for Excellence in Journalism is lucky to get him.

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  1. Anonymous

    Dan, it’s spelled Maaahk. We are in Massachusetts.

  2. Anonymous

    Yeah, I’ll particularly miss cogent comments like his critique of Patrick Kennedy’s hairstyle on BTP. You couldn’t make this up…

  3. The Scribe

    I know Mark. We worked together at The Tab. I am happy he was offered such a cool position, but will miss him being the area!Rhea

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