Rummy’s recycled rules

The Boston Herald’s Jay Fitzgerald has an entertainingly unoriginal story today. Here’s the lead:

A San Diego blogger has already proved that many of Raytheon chief William Swanson’s “Unwritten Rules of Management” had previously been written down in a 1944 book.

Now it turns out other folksy business adages in Swanson’s booklet were also previously written — by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and newspaper humorist Dave Barry.

Are there no new rules out there?

Speaking of unoriginal writing, I guess this is just about a wrap for Harvard typist Kaavya Viswanathan.

Update: The Herald ran a graphic comparing Rummy to Swanson and Dave Barry. Pretty amazing.

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3 thoughts on “Rummy’s recycled rules”

  1. There’s only one rule and it’s stolen from Bill Watterson’s “Calvinball” (Calvin & Hobbes): Make the rules up as you go.🙂

  2. There is not one iota of humor to be found in the churlish Sec’y of Defense.

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