By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

How’s that trade working out? (II)

Pitching lines, season to date:

OK, Wells is coming off surgery and will probably turn it around, and Arroyo will return to earth at some point. But does anyone have a good feeling about Clement?

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  1. mike_b1

    For heaven’s sakes, Dan, when did you do the personality morph with Shaughnessy?Clement pitched great on April 7 and pitched lousy last night. Again, it’s way too early to start projecting anything.

  2. Aaron Read

    Yeah Dan, next thing we know you’ll be giving the pennant to the Yankees.Considering that two days ago the Yankees were in last place in the AL East, and today they’re in second place, tells you just how early in the season it is.

  3. Aaron Read

    BTW, that came off a bit harsh, I was just giving some good natured ribbing. :-)I see Mark J. had some interesting things to say about the NYT ownership stake w/ the Sox and their media coverage. But then again, he’s a stinkin’ Yankees fan! 😉

  4. Dan Kennedy

    The problem, Aaron and Mike, is that Clement has picked up right where he left off. He wasn’t that great in his first game, and he was terrible last night. It may seem like I’m reacting to the moment, but I’m not. I don’t like this trade, and I think over time I’ll be proven right.And, geez, I’d like to think I can say something critical about the Red Sox without being compared to Dan Shaughnessy.

  5. B

    Just seems a little knee-jerk-WEEI-style. When did Arroyo morph into the modern-day Babe Ruth who can both pitch and hit home runs? He would’ve been in the bullpen here. He’s not that great.

  6. Dan Kennedy

    No, he’s not that great. But he’s 29, he never gets hurt, and he doesn’t panic when he gets into trouble. Arroyo in the bullpen would contribute more to this team than Peña will.

  7. Anonymous

    Dan, you’re right there about Arroyo, but wrong about Clement’s first start – he was awesome – great stuff, with control. I know, I know, the 7th inning, right? Well, go back and look at the tape. The Orioles (some very good hitters there) made some very good swings on some very good pitches. It happens. And a couple of balls/strikes calls could have gone Clement’s way, but didn’t.I think Clement looks good, despite last night. But losing Arroyo makes no sense to me.

  8. Wes

    Hmmm…I’m sensing a trend. Dan, do you get graded on the number of responses? No complaint, I love baseball and all its nuances, but some within the RS Nation (you point, I’ll whistle) get a bit carried over the edge.

  9. Wes

    It has been mentioned that WMP belts a home run for every 22 Ks. So, now we wait and count. Also, his HR was wasted in a losing cause.However, in my maturity one of the priceless life lessons honored is that “figures lie and liars figure.”So, perhaps Papa Jack – maybe the best in the game – can winnow the ratio down to 1 in 12. Papa pulled Ortiz off the discard pile and taught him to handle those tight inside pitches that were quickly ending his career.

  10. Steve

    Dan – “over time”? So give it some time, already. My guess is the winner in this trade won’t be clear for at least 2 years. Arroyo will most probably be more valuable this year. Pena has a lot of upside, though. At the very least, we have a player who will field in the style of Manny. Perhaps he’ll find other things in Manny’s game to emulate.Give it time.

  11. Mark

    Danno, Why such a Gloomy Gus?

  12. Anonymous

    Hey, at this pace, Bronson will win 30 games, hit 30 homers and release 30 CD’s in the same season. A 30-30-30 guy. seriously, though, Arroyo looks like a 175-game career major league winner. Too bad we lost him, for whatever reason.

  13. mike_b1

    Arroyo has 35 wins and he’s 29 years old. He would have to average 14 wins a year for until he’s 40 in order to reach 175 wins. And his career high in wins? 14.Not going to happen.

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