By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Tweaking Mitt

Jon Keller, the political reporter for WBZ-TV (Channel 4), broke the story yesterday that Gov. Mitt Romney would not seek re-election in 2006. [D’oh! I originally wrote “2004.”] For a good time, click here, hit “play” and watch Keller ask Romney about Democratic accusations that he’s presided over “the third straight hit-and-run governorship.” Not that the unflappable Romney reacts, but at least it’s the right question.

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  1. Anonymous

    What does it take to enlighten people that we don’t so much elect Republicans in MA as “un-elect” Democrats? The bar has been set so low for integrity and leadership by the Democrats that a guy like Romney gets in by default. As a former public employee, I was once told, “ask yourself if this is the best job he’ll ever have” when someone new came on board. If it was, he was there forever. If not, rolling in the mud soon drove the person into the private sector. Mitt wanted the job, Reilly NEEDS the job. If this is your idea of a “good time”, the scorched earth campaign plans of the Dems will have you positively giddy.

  2. Anonymous

    I listened to Mitt’s announcement on NPR on my way home, and they only stayed on for the first Q&A. I just laughed to myself and said “yeah, that’s Keller.” Good to see he’s an equal opportunity griller–he took some hits, if I recall, over some aggressive stories while Kerry was running for prez.

  3. Anonymous

    Re-election in ‘2004’? Dan, we know you’re a diehard bolshevik with a long leninist agenda but at least try to get the story right.

  4. Anonymous

    Bravo Jon, but didn’t Mitt exit stage right?

  5. gopbasher

    Get ready for right-wing government like you’ve never seen before. Romney doesn’t have to temper anything to remain electable in moderate Massachusetts, so he can pander to the right wing wackos who nominate republican candidates. Then when he gets the nomination, the GOP attack machine can take over and he won’t have to worry about issues at all. What a phony.

  6. mike_b1

    Did we ever clear up the mystery about Romney’s eight wives back in Utah? And when will we get to hear their side of the story?

  7. Anonymous

    Gopbasher, check your meds. He’s NOT running for re-election in MA. And don’t stay up late worrying about him getting the presidential nomination from the hated GOP. And MA is MODERATE? Compared to where, Cuba? And Mike, I presume that was tongue in cheek. Funny how religious/ethnic jokes are acceptable about right wingers but “hate speech” about the other side. There’s a name for folks who do that…..

  8. Anonymous

    Keller took some “hits” because he was on record as saying Kerry didn’t have a prayer to win the Nom (something he did quite easily). Mitt isn’t running for Pres., he running like Edwards did, for VP. And with putitive nom John McCain a health risk (sort of) that might be the only way to get to the White House. McCain sweeps NE without Mitt, so I’d expect Romney to speak only in reverential tones about the Sen. from Az.

  9. tony schinella

    Anonymous said… Keller took some “hits” because he was on record as saying Kerry didn’t have a prayer to win the Nom (something he did quite easily).Mitt isn’t running for Pres., he running like Edwards did, for VP. And with putitive nom John McCain a health risk (sort of) that might be the only way to get to the White House. McCain sweeps NE without Mitt, so I’d expect Romney to speak only in reverential tones about the Sen. from Az. I think this is a pretty safe bet. But I don’t know if McCain can win. He is doing well in early polls but tons of people do at this point and never win.

  10. gopbasher

    Romney NOT running for re-election is why we’re in for 12 and a half months of right-wing administration of the government. NOT running for reelection means he doesn’t have to moderate his statements or actions to make them palatable in Massachusetts, he can pander to the right-wing and give not a thought to the local political consequences. He also doesn’t have to worry about being caught in a lie when he’s pandering to the right-wingers out of state. Anyone buying the old sheriff “my job is done here” nonsense is truly naive.

  11. mike_b1

    Anon 4:52:I’m completely serious. I expect the Jane Swift Boat Veterans for Truth to be out in force looking out for the best interests of we citizens at-large.

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