CJR profiles the Phoenix’s iron man of Occupy

The Boston Phoenix’s Chris Faraone, whose iron-man coverage of the Occupy movement has been an inspiration, is the subject of a terrific profile in the Columbia Journalism Review. Faraone plans to publish a book on the movement next month called “99 Nights with the 99 Percent.”

Mapping the arrest of journalists at Occupy events

[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=206048931241702581094.0004b3ac9ff0c9c0da722&msa=0&ie=UTF8&t=m&vpsrc=6&ll=38.410558,-96.679687&spn=47.614427,87.890625&z=3&output=embed&w=500&h=350]
Josh Stearns of Free Press has been tracking the arrest of journalists at Occupy events for the past several months. Now he’s put together a Google map with names, places and, where available, video. An interesting project and a valuable resource.