The MV Times, one of the Vineyard’s two weekly papers, will remain independent

Edgartown Lighthouse on Martha’s Vineyard. Photo (cc) 2012 by David Berkowitz.

The MV Times, one of two weekly papers on Martha’s Vineyard, has been sold to a local businessman who will maintain it as an independent news outlet. Steve Bernier, a store owner, purchased the paper from Peter and Barbara Oberfest, who had been full-time owners for the past 20 years. Charles Sennott, a Vineyard resident who is the founder of the GroundTruth Project and co-founder of Report for America, will serve as acting publisher.

The other paper, the Vineyard Gazette, is also independent, and at one time was owned by the legendary New York Times journalist Jame Reston and his wife, Times journalist Sally Reston.

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