By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Tag: Climategate

Why Climategate doesn’t matter (X)

The series explained. For some time now, I’ve been trying to figure out how to wrap up this series of blog posts. I can think of no better way than with Ross Douthat’s column in today’s New York Times. Douthat, a conservative, is too grounded in reality to argue anything so stupid as the idea […]

Why Climategate doesn’t matter (IX)

The series explained. Sharon Begley lays it out: [N]ot only did British investigators clear the East Anglia scientist at the center of it all, Phil Jones, of scientific impropriety and dishonesty in April, an investigation at Penn State cleared PSU climatologist Michael Mann of “falsifying or suppressing data, intending to delete or conceal e-mails and information, and misusing […]

Why Climategate doesn’t matter (VIII)

The series explained. Since the 1850s, when Henry David Thoreau was living at Walden Pond, the mean annual temperature in the Concord area has risen by 4.3 degrees. And that warming has had an effect. According to a study by scientists from Harvard University and other research institutions, 27 percent of the native plant species […]

Why Climategate doesn’t matter (VII)

The series explained. Ashar Chor, an island that’s part of the desperately poor nation of Bangladesh, is literally drowning, as rising seas eat away at the shore. Within 25 to 30 years, according to GlobalPost, the island could be gone. “Ten years ago we lived three kilometers farther out to what is now sea, but […]

Why Climategate doesn’t matter (VI)

The series explained. In the current issue of the New Yorker, the environmental journalist Fen Montaigne reports on the decline of the Adélie penguin in the northwest Antarctic Peninsula — a decline directly traceable to a catastrophic loss of sea ice in recent decades, compounded by an increase in snowfall, which interferes with the penguins’ […]

Why Climategate doesn’t matter (V)

The series explained. Maple syrup, a New England staple since Colonial times, may become an exotic import as a result of global warming. Sap production from sugar maples is dependent on warm days and freezing nights. But climate change has been accompanied by earlier and earlier springs — and a smaller window for producing maple […]

Why Climategate doesn’t matter (IV)

The series explained. Carbon dioxide is killing the world’s coral reefs in two distinctly different ways. Indirectly, the human-caused build-up of CO2 in the atmosphere has led to global warming, which pushes these fragile ecosystems outside the narrow range of temperatures in which they can thrive. In 2006, National Geographic put it this way: “Small […]

Why Climategate doesn’t matter (II)

The series explained. For hundreds of years, the small village of Shishmaref, an Alaskan village on the Arctic coast, has survived, if not exactly thrived, because it was frozen for much of the year. Now it is literally melting away, as the permafrost that had propped it up for generations turns to mud. Offshore, the […]

Why Climategate doesn’t matter (I)

For the past several weeks, conservative commentators have been buzzing about “Climategate” — hacked e-mails from the Climatic Research Unit in Britain that show some scientists may have been cooking the books in an attempt to bolster the case for global warming. “Assuming the e-mails are genuine, they are nothing short of scandalous,” writes Boston […]

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