By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Happy birthday, Keith!

Common fallacy here by Josh Marshall about Keith Richards, who turns 80 today. While it may be true that Keith can’t play like Mick Taylor, it’s also true that Taylor can’t play like Richards. Nor can anyone else. Taylor is a very good blues guitarist, but there are hundreds just like him. Richards literally invented modern rock guitar, building on Chuck Berry to create something entirely unique. Happy birthday, Keith! Here’s “Take It So Hard,” maybe the best song of Richards’ abbreviated solo career.

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  1. Batchman

    Keith Richards was also responsible for what I believe is the greatest rock guitar solo of all time, the one in “Sympathy for the Devil.”

  2. Lex Alexander

    We all need to sit down with our grandchildren and have a serious talk with them about what kind of world their grandchildren are going to leave for Keith Richards.

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