By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Three things that are driving me crazy about the move to

Update: Thanks to reader Mike Stucka, I have solved No. 1. I have also found my subscribers, but I can only see about a dozen of the most recent ones. I don’t see any place to access the entire list. As for No. 3, I would like to find a real fix, but in the meantime I’ve come up with a workaround.

You may know that I recently moved Media Nation from to .org. I’m 99% done and no longer posting to .com, but there are still a few things that drive me crazy.

  1. Scroll down the right-hand rail on the home page to where it says “Subscribe to Media Nation via email.” There’s a black rectangle that you have to click to complete your subscription. Hover over it and it says “Subscribe.” But why is it black out until you hover over it?
  2. I was able to pull over all my email subscribers from .com to .org. That was a big concern, since I’ve got more than 2,000 and I didn’t want to inconvenience anyone. But now I can’t find a list of them anywhere either on .com or .org. Where are they?
  3. If you scroll through posts on the home page, you won’t see “Leave a Comment” anywhere in the red type beneath the headline. (For an example of what I mean, do the same thing at As a result, there’s no indication that you can leave a comment, even though you can — but you have to click on the headline and open up the post. This is a massive speed bump.

Note: If you read Media Nation exclusively by email, you won’t see what I’m talking about in Nos. 1 and 3.

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  1. paul f creighton jr

    Is this an email wrapped in an enigma?

  2. Dan

    No. 3 sounds like it’s due to your theme. I have two self-hosted WordPress sites; on one of them, the theme shows “Leave a comment,” and on the other it doesn’t. So it’s not a WordPress problem. (N.B.: Themes can sometimes operate slightly differently on vs. self-hosted WordPress sites.) If you’re working with someone who really knows WordPress, I believe this can be fixed by creating a child theme that would include “Leave a comment” on the front page.

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