By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

In 2016, moving comments to Facebook seemed like a great idea. Now it’s a problem.

A little more than four years after turning off comments and directing everyone to Facebook, I’ve turned them back on. The move comes at a time when we’re all questioning our dependence on Facebook given the social-media giant’s role in spreading disinformation and subverting democracy across the world.

I will continue to post links on Facebook, and readers will be able to comment either there or here. But if you’d like to reduce your own use of the platform, I urge you to sign up for email delivery of Media Nation (click on “Follow This Blog” in the right-hand rail) and post your comments here. Your real name, first and last, is required.

Comments are open. Please include your full name, first and last, and speak with a civil tongue.


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  1. Thank you! I’ve been following your blog for many years, and had to stop when you started using Facebook, as I’d deleted my account after the Cambridge Analytica story broke.

  2. Jim Walsh

    A wise decision, Dan. Like Donald Trump, Facebook tends to bring out the worst in people.

  3. Deborah Nam-Krane

    I’m so happy you changed your policy. I understood why you went to FB-only in the first place, but they’re so toxic, I can’t even justify an Instagram account for aspirational food photos.

    I used to think that I’d be better off directing everything to my inbox, but it only took one month of a campaign season to change my mind about that. Blog readers are a great middle ground — so if anyone wants to recommend something better than Bloglovin’, I’m all ears.

  4. Dan Kennedy

    Weirdly enough, Facebook continues to work very well *for me*. I get lots of good and interesting comments. I would not have made this change if Zuckerberg weren’t trying to destroy the world.

  5. Guess I will try this again

    I don’t do faceplant -so when you moved I stopped commenting and reduced reading your site here

    So good move enabling comments again

    Mike Brough

    PS: my captnmike link goes to my very G rated web site which has quite a bit of info on me (as well as boating safety) – usually sites have fill in the blanks on things and then they hide some info from other visitors – oh well

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