By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Here’s the union letter asking Globe staffers to deliver paper

Here is the email that went out earlier today to Boston Globe employees from Scott Steeves, president of the Boston Newspaper Guild. I have removed contact information.

Dear Members –

We are in crisis mode. I’m sure you’ve all heard about the papers not getting delivered this past week. We are looking for people to work tonight delivering papers in the Newton area. Anyone from the editorial side who is able to work tonight delivering papers, please email Beth Healy. Anyone from the business side who is able to work tonight delivering papers, please contact Scott Steeves.

We will be meeting at 15 Riverdale Ave. in Newton at midnight. Globe employees will need to be two per car. Please have proof of driver’s license and registration. You will get a route with a list of households with delivery instructions. Make sure you have a flashlight and a GPS.

Appreciate everybody who can help out.  Thanks in advance.


More from Craig Douglas of the Boston Business Journal.

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The latest update on the Globe‘s home-delivery meltdown


Tweets, an interview, and a statement from the Globe


  1. Terry Kelliher

    Whatever it takes! That’s the spirit. God speed to the Boston Globe employees!

  2. AMAZING collective failure! Even the entreaties for ‘editorial’ delivery support post 12 a.m. (with flashlights/gps) for NEWTON delivery is egregious! Years-long annual subscribers (M thru Sat; Sunday) WEYMOUTH haven’t had delivery over the entire week! Where IS the TRANSPARENCY? (Why was the shift made to a west coast delivery service?) Why Newton delivery first; others; then? Where does the Publisher reside? Brookline/Newton? It’s a GLOBAL-NEWS-HOLE-GATE!

  3. As comforting as it is to know that the Globe is doing everything it can to get this Newton resident his paper tomorrow, it is weird to be signaled out for this. We’ve received a Globe on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and — two copies! — today (Saturday). I’m happy to loan my extra Saturday paper to anyone who needs one.

  4. HEY… about ‘that’ Saturday B-Globe; it disappeared! Graphics et al… (THE coupon is being saved for SUNDAY!!). Sans/coupon + $2 outside Metro-Boston, WE co-lifted a Saturday GLOBE A-section, + a Sports-section w/obits + Horoscope from our local 7-11. We were giddy with anticipation… then it was vaporized into nothingness. The Globe should eliminate its Saturday edition.

  5. No word on when Quincy will see a Boston Globe…But the reporters delivering to Newton was the lead story on WBZ-TV’s 11 pm newscast.

    • Todd Wallack

      To clarify, the Globe was asking for help at the regional *distribution center* in Newton (which handles routes in Boston, Cambridge, Somerville…etc.)

  6. Bill Caron

    A little clarification is needed here I believe. The distribution center is in newton but the area covered by that DC is much larger than just newton. From what I hear that is where the large majority of problems have come from but it is by no means limited to just that DC.

  7. RossMDonald

    Where are the owners in all this?

  8. Kit Nichols

    Happy for the Newton residents, but feeling decidedly out in the cold in Medford. Day 6 of no newspaper…and finding the coverage of the heroic reporters braving the elements to get the newspaper delivered in the wilds of Brookline self-congratulatory and annoying.

  9. Bob Gardner

    What about the people who were delivering the paper before? Are they not coming back because ACI is not offering them as good a deal as they had before?
    At this point I have to assume that this switch was made to save money by not paying the delivery people as much as they were making before the switch.
    It’s absolutely astounding that any union would ask its members to volunteer to help outsource the jobs of lower paid workers–in effect, the Newspaper Guild is a union of scabs.
    And Dan, it’s disappointing that you would show up and chum around with the scabbing reporters and editors, but fail to ask even the most basic and obvious questions
    –how did this situation happen? and what happened to the people who used to deliver the paper?

  10. What was the subject line? I’m interested in featuring this in my book. — Josh Bernoff

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