By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Liberty Enlightening the World

I had a great day taking my daughter to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty on Thursday. Not only had she never been there before, but neither had I. Since time was limited, I wish we hadn’t spent so much of it on the first floor of the Ellis Island exhibit. The good stuff — the photos and the historical artifacts — are upstairs.

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  1. Laurence Glavin

    I’ve only been there once myself. I was really, REALLY impressed by the work that was done to clean up the incoming center at Ellis Island. There are photos of how it looked after it had fallen into disrepair. My ancestors entered the country from the Ellis Island equivalent in Boston.

  2. Great picture! When I first saw the Statue of Liberty, on the ferry to Ellis Island, I couldn’t get over how beautiful it looked.

    And Ellis Island is one of my favorite places to visit in New York. I only went once and I wish I’d spent more time there, instead of rushing off to the next sight. What struck me was the fact that very few immigrants were turned away back then.

    Did you have to wait a long time for the ferry? That was the worst part, as I recall. I didn’t buy my ticket in advance, either, which was a mistake.

  3. Mike Rice

    Many years ago I was one of the chaperones on my son’s middle school field trip to NYC and Ellis Island was indeed one of the highlights of that trip along with going to the top floor of one of the World Trade Center towers, I’m glad I took that trip.

    But unfortunately the Rolex I bought, on that trip, for ten bucks didn’t come with a warranty(I wonder why)and after just two days this watch that hadn’t taken any kind of lickin’ just stopped tickin’. Go figure.

  4. Dan Kennedy

    Esther, we took the online advice we found and did it from the New Jersey side. Also bought tickets in advance. Very little waiting, very smooth — and we could see there were many more people coming from the New York side.

  5. C. E. Stead

    Many years ago, I bought a brick to help with the restortion. So somewhere, my grandmother’s name is there but I’ve never been.

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