By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Limbaugh back, Severin out

I find this less interesting than I would have a few years ago, so just read Jessica Heslam’s report in the Boston Herald. The main takeaways: Rush Limbaugh is coming back to WRKO Radio (AM 680). And Jay Severin is once again looking for work.

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  1. Mike Benedict

    Who is Jay Severin?

  2. C.E. Stead

    I’m not a huge ditto-head; his best days were 10 years ago. But – at least a more intellectual exemplar of conservative radio has disproven Gresham’s Law in the radio marketplace.

  3. maria worsley

    I was traveling for this dreadful mortgage company, came back and NO JAY! Bring him back!

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