By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Greatest photo caption ever?

From the New York Times: “Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse appeared on a television broadcast with North Korea’s new leader, Kim Jong-un. The reason was not clear.”

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  1. L.K. Collins

    It’s the beginning of the end of North Korea.

    No nation can survive the onslaught of Disney.

  2. Mike Benedict

    How about the one where — I think it was the Times, but might have been the WSJ — showed a photo of Sitting Bull with the caption: Sitting Bull (standing)

  3. Mike Rice

    “Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse appeared on a television broadcast with North Korea’s new nut-job leader, Kim Mentally Ill Jong-un. The reason given was not clear but rumor has it that they were filling in for Darth Vader who cancelled at the last minute.”

    Helter-skelter is alive and well in North Korea a.k.a. “hell on earth.”

  4. Jack Sullivan

    They thought he was Goofy?

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