By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Out and about in Providence

On Federal Hill last Thursday with Esther of Gratuitous Violins.

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Out and about in New Haven


Coughing up (or not) for online content


  1. Dan Kennedy

    That caption could be read two ways, couldn’t it?

  2. Christian Avard

    Not Chick-fil-A, I hope?

    I take it you heard about the Chick-fil-A vs. Eat More Kale and State of Vermont war, right?

  3. It was great to see you! I’m so glad we had a chance to catch up, talk about your book. And those are some fancy chickens.

  4. Mike Rice

    “Eat more kale” is akin to “eat mor chickin,” seriously? In the vernacular of the latter: “O brudda!”

  5. Dan Kennedy

    I imagine those are Rhode Island Reds, by the way, though my poultry expertise is pretty much limited to grilling and eating them.

  6. Mike Rice

    O.K. I’ll bite, I imagine those are White Leghorns but a can or two of Krylon could change all that.

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