By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

My HuffPost commentary on Romenesko

In my debut for the Huffington Post, I analyze what Jim Romenesko and the Poynter Institute are saying about their ugly and very public divorce.

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  1. Please say that Huffington Post is paying you!

    • Dan Kennedy

      Ah, but you know the answer to that, Dave. I’m getting paid in psychic rewards.

  2. Nancy Mades

    Someone who is as good as you are and has been at it as long as you have should not be expected to work for free for anything other than your church.

    • Dan Kennedy

      Thanks for your support, Nancy. In a very real sense, nothing an academic does is for free. It’s just part of what we’re expected to do. I needed a new outlet, and there was the Huffington Post. We’ll see what develops.

  3. Michael Pahre

    What happened with the Guardian gig?

    • Dan Kennedy

      Michael: It had just become increasingly difficult to place stuff. I hope I’m not done with the Guardian, but I’m giving it a rest for now.

  4. Congratulations on the new gig! It’s all about spreading the brand and the Huffington Post is a good outlet for that.

  5. Hylen Smurr

    The same Huffington Post that features/featured articles from Andrew Breitbart? Boycott!

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