By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Here it comes

The summit of Mount Washington a few minutes ago, as seen from one of the observatory webcams. Oh, and it’s 31.5 degrees.

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Yes, the Weather Underground again


Elbowing my way back to health


  1. Yeah, lemme tell ya, it was freezing this morning … last night, it was supposedly 37 degrees! Coming way too fast this year. Sigh.

  2. Mike Rice

    Time to order a cord of hardwood, chances are burning the furniture would be cheaper.

  3. scott martineau

    I am trying to find out which blog you just teased on twitter as being the CRUELEST BLOG ever.

    This clearly aint it.


    • Dan Kennedy

      @Scott: Just to clarify, it was Kevin Whalen (@PunditReview) who called it the cruelest post ever, not me. But what are you, some kind of snow-lover??? 🙂

  4. Scott, I am not nearly ready for that weather! Give me 90 and humid over cold and snow. No, I’m not moving.:)


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