By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Media-reform conference coming to Boston

My big disappointment of the week — of the year? — is that I will be missing the National Conference for Media Reform that’s being held in Boston this weekend. Originally I was supposed to moderate a panel, and I had hoped to hang out pretty much all weekend. But some important personal commitments arose that were beyond my control, and there you have it.

But enough about me. This should be a great event, featuring dozens of programs and top-flight speakers who will be of interest to anyone who cares about the future of journalism. The conference is being presented by the media-reform group Free Press, whose work I respect enormously.

If you are able to get over to the World Trade Center, I urge you to do so.

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  1. I decided months ago not to attend even though it is right in my backyard and seemed like it would be a lot of fun and quite interesting. Four words: “Keynote speaker Nancy Pelosi” … simply put, any convention about “media reform” that actually invites – never mind, champion – a corporate Democrat like Pelosi, a person who has been a major part of the problem with our federal government, to present a keynote presentation doesn’t deserve the time of day at all.

  2. Dan Kennedy

    Gee, @Tony, there’s a good reason to skip the whole thing.

  3. @Dan: I sense sarcasm … I find a lot of what does compelling and important. But, if the org can’t recognize that it was both political parties that brought us to this point and that the Democrats have done nothing about fixing the problem when they had control of the Congress, Senate, and the presidency, and then, that same org only invites the former Democratic speaker – who was a disaster and voted and supported some of the same corporate polices during her tenure – that’s a problem.

  4. C.E. Stead

    DK – not only am I going, I have press credentials! :~)

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