By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

My iPad lust runneth over

In my latest for the Guardian, I finally admit that I get a thrill up my leg every time I visit the Apple store and hold an iPad.

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A repulsive apology to hate-mongers in Maine


Where was Jill Stein?


  1. I have been assimilated…

  2. LFNeilson

    Up your leg? Maybe you should stick to apple juice, DK. Non-fermented.

  3. Everyone’s wrong about the iPad until they hold one in their hands.

    Sent from my iPad

  4. L.K.Collins

    Perhaps Dan’s endorsement should be the center of a world-wide campaign.

    I did note that the Driod phone has quickly surpassed the iPhone in market share.

    Sorry. Gave Steve Jobs some money once and got hosed when he orphaned the product. Seen him do it quite a few times since then.

    Not going to get taken again.

  5. With all things Apple, never buy first generation. The second gen usually corrects most of the things people complain about the first time around.

    I’m holding off on serious iPad lust until I can plug my camera into it. It has Photoshop and iMovie apps, why make it so difficult to get the files off another piece of hardware?

    If you do get one, carry a cloth with you to wipe smudges (she says as she wipes down her iPhone yet again).

  6. Steve Stein

    @LK – “Apple ][ Forever”?

    I like the iPad form factor for things like scoring a baseball game and serving drinks on. Otherwise, I would MUCH rather have a 13″ MacBook Pro, and a phone/camera/PDA for the other stuff, because THAT will fit in a pocket.

  7. BP Myers

    So much for the worst recession since the Great Depression, when folks put themselves even further into debt for unnecessary gadgets, gadgets made in China, no less.

    I’ll never understand it.

  8. Steve Stein

    Well, you *can* use an iPad to run The Big Red Button app that will save your life.

    (h/t to the best Boston geek blogger, Chris Herot)

  9. BP Meyers: “So much for the worst recession since the Great Depression, when folks put themselves even further into debt for unnecessary gadgets, gadgets made in China, no less.

    I’ll never understand it.”

    What is this, “Make Your Own Meme Day”?

    In my case, don’t trouble your mind. We paid upfront for it, and I suspect the vast majority of people buying one can afford it and will pay it off fine. Economists who told Americans for years to save more are now gnashing their teeth that we are doing so and not spending enough.

    As far as it being made in China, well that’s not Apple’s fault per se. If they made them here, they’d likely cost 4 times as much, and the whole technology would never get adopted to the point it would get off the ground.

    I’m all for vigilance so that the Chinese work force is not enduring subhuman conditions (Apple will ignore “gambling in Casablanca” as long as we let them) ; but making this sort of tech here is a non-starter because of the economics. How many people would buy one for $3000?

    • Dan Kennedy

      @John and @BP: Absolutely. If everyone ran out and bought a $500 electronic gizmo this weekend, it would do wonders for the economy, at least temporarily. I wish I could afford to buy one myself.

  10. Steve Stein

    Hey, you need a case for that iPad?

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