By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Hudak freezes out Republican opponent

Extremist North Shore congressional candidate William Hudak, who may/may not be/have been a birther, is refusing to debate Robert McCarthy, his opponent in next Tuesday’s Republican primary, according to Nelson Benton of the Salem News.

As Benton observes, keep that in mind when Hudak — the all-but-certain primary winner — starts demanding that Democratic Congressman John Tierney debate him. (Via David Bernstein.)

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  1. L.K. Collins

    This seems to be something that you are obsessing over, Dan. If he is such a bozo, the odds are that he is going to lose.

    Why not let him instead of giving him credibility?

    Who knows, people may just vote for him to watch you go postal.

    Your indignation is entertaining.

  2. Gerry Dembrowski seems to have done the same thing to Tom Tierney in the 7th. I tried on two occasions to set up a debate between the two in Belmont. Tierney immediately agreed; Dembrowski never replied to the repeated invitations. If Dembrowski wins, it will be interesting to see how many days it will be before he issues a press release with a debate challenge against Ed Markey.

  3. Mike Benedict

    I’m sure there’s something in the DSM-IV about those who are perpetually indignant over someone else’s indignation.

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