The debut of Tim Kennedy Photography

“Bryan.” Copyright © 2010 by Tim Kennedy. Click on image for more photos.

All of us at Media Nation are proud to announce the debut of Tim Kennedy Photography.

My son, Tim, recently completed his year at the Hallmark Institute of Photography with a nail-biting public review of his work by leading photographers. He’ll graduate later this month.

Meanwhile, he is establishing his own commercial photography business. You can find out all about it here, and I am adding his site to the blogroll.

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9 thoughts on “The debut of Tim Kennedy Photography”

  1. Congratulations to your son, may his career be successful.

    And congratulations to you and your wife, his family, for the support you gave him so that he could move towards achieving his dream.

  2. He’s got the look down, anyway. And the pics ain’t half bad . . .

    Best of luck to him!

  3. May Tim passion for photography match his dad’s passion for journalism. Congratulations Dan and Tim.

  4. Good for Tim, and those are some wonderful pictures. But couldn’t he have worked the Old Man in there somewhere?

  5. Great to see your son following his dream. It has been said by that immortal philosopher Rod Stewart, “Every picture tells a story, don’t it?” As a media historian, I find so much can be learned from a photograph, including raising questions of framing– what was put into the shot, versus what was left out. Your son, like you, is following a very important path. I salute you both.

  6. I have several friends who went through Hallmark (and who are excellent photographers), and I know that when it comes to evaluating students’ photography, the instructors take no prisoners. Congrats to Tim for persevering.

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