By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

William Hudak checks in

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  1. BP Myers

    Wow. Might have been more effective were it done more promptly, but like I said in reaction to his Op Ed in (I think it was) the Salem News, he doesn’t come off as crazy in writing as he does in the video or with his decorated car.

    That being said:

    “Mr. Tierney’s 13 year record as a liberal tax and spend advocate stands for itself, and the legislation he has voted for as a member of Congress is the reason we are now $12.5 Trillion in debt”

    Debatable at best. Tierney voted against the Bush tax cuts, which depleted the ENTIRE surplus of the Clinton years, as well as the Iraq war, both of which added trillions to the debt.

    Mr. Tierney’s votes are a public record, and we have researched them thoroughly.

    That isn’t hard to do.

  2. Neil Sagan

    Hudak calls Tierney a “tax and spend liberal” as a matter of fact. Take a look at the record of taxing and spending over past administrations. Nonetheless, Hudak intends to define Tierney as exactly what deficit hawks hate and as the cause of the national debt.

    On the other hand, Tierney couldn’t ask for a better gift that for how Hudak has defined himself, and here.

  3. Mike Benedict

    Wow, what a whack job. Reading that missive, I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. He whine about being misrepresented, then proceeds to sling all the same poison arrows for which he was alternately mocked and criticized.

  4. Steve Stein

    It seems like he’s taking issue with something you wrote, but doesn’t say exactly what. For all of his verbiage, it looks like you painted a pretty accurate picture of Mr Hudek – how dare you tell the truth to your readers!

    • Dan Kennedy

      @Steve: How dare you accuse me of being accurate. Hudak put signs up at his house depicting Obama as bin Laden. When a reporter arrived, he showed him affidavits claiming that Obama was not born in the U.S. When the reporter wrote that Hudak himself had claimed Obama was not born in the U.S., Hudak did not ask for a correction. When the Salem News dug up that story and repeated it a year later, by which time Hudak was a congressional candidate, he still didn’t ask for a correction. He has referred to Obama as “Barry Soetoro,” which people in the birther movement believe is Obama’s “real name” and somehow proves he wasn’t born in the U.S. But Hudak never, ever, ever tried to suggest that Obama wasn’t born in the U.S. Got it?

  5. BP Myers

    It actually is quite fascinating (and perversely heartening) to see some of the birther nutjobs backtracking on their previous assertions. J.D. Haworth out in Arizona is now claiming his own birther comments were merely meant to “spark discussion” on his radio show.

    Perhaps there’s hope for us yet.

    • Dan Kennedy

      @BP: I agree that it’s a good sign that even the most right-wing of politicians have decided that espousing the birther line is politically unacceptable.

  6. L.K. Collins

    Would that all politicians, right OR left, would find espousing non-factual accusations as to be politically unacceptable.

  7. Aaron Read

    @L.K. Collins: I fear that if politicians did as you suggest, we’d all fear of having gone deaf from the silence.

    Hmph, OTOH that’d probably be an improvement over the status quo.

  8. Dan Kennedy

    By the way, I e-mailed Hudak a damned interesting question a couple of days ago. Crickets are chirping.

  9. … oh do tell, Dan, if he doesn’t reply soon. Inquiring minds want to know what question he’s avoiding. After all, he can’t be THAT busy.

  10. Steve Stein

    Hey, reporters aren’t supposed to be coy. They’re supposed to REPORT! 🙂

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