By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

From the Eliot to J.J. Foley’s

The Boston Globe’s Alex Beam has a must-read column on the seedier side of Boston journalism history.

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  1. bob gardner

    Beam left out the origin of the feud between Norma Nathan and the Phoenix, which was that Nathan wrote about the divorce of the Phoenix's publisher.

  2. MeTheSheeple

    That's the seedier side? I at least expected to see some plagarism references, judicial blackmail letters and certainly that … was it "doe-eyed Sabra" or something of the sort?

  3. Amused

    Can we say colorful, rather than seedy?And where's Ken's, Ken's at Copley, Ken's in the Heart of Copley Square, Ken's directly across from the Sheraton Plaza Hotel. Where Kenny Mayer held court between writing his Herald column and serving as flak for the Boston Police Dept.As for Higgins, his spot at Locke Ober spurred a comment I have never forgotten when he wrote regularly for the Phoenix. He went on for paragraphs about the inpardonable sin of putting ice in one's Heineken.

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