By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Moving on in Claremont

As you may have heard, the Eagle Times of Claremont, N.H., folded last week. Martin Langeveld of the Nieman Journalism Lab goes deep, finding that the paper’s poor penetration rate made it a marginal operation even in the best of times. Meanwhile, long live Your Claremont Press.

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An anonymous straw man


Dissecting the death of WBCN


  1. Nancy Brown

    Hello. I wanted to let you know that I am the Publisher of Your Claremont Press and the website is now active, but we are moving the website to a new server. The website is down for up to 24 hours. In the meantime you can access the website at

  2. Patricia of Trakai

    That Nieman article was quite prescient when it noted that the links to the paper's Web site wouldn't last much longer. Done and gone.Also, I see that GateHouse's Dedham daily is going weekly. Will the Waltham paper follow suit?How are some of the dailies in central and western Massachusetts doing? The Gardner News? The papers in Athol, Greenfield, Fitchburg/Leominster, etc.?

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