The future of the Globe’s D.C. bureau

Michael Calderone, at Politico, speculates on the future of the Boston Globe’s Washington bureau.

He’s right to think that it could be endangered. But in addition to the main reason he cites for not closing it — politics remains a major spectator sport in Boston, unlike almost anywhere else — he misses one.

According to insiders I’ve talked with, the Globe’s Washington coverage does very well in search engines and aggregators, making it one of the reasons that pulls such impressive numbers.

If the New York Times Co. targets the Washington bureau, then it’s truly slash-and-burn time, as it will be killing off one of the building blocks for future success.

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5 thoughts on “The future of the Globe’s D.C. bureau”

  1. I’ll respectfully disagree. I’d eliminate the DC bureau as well as any other non-Boston bureau that exists. I’d also dump any pretense of covering international/national news and cut out most AP stories altogether. That’s the stuff you can get anywhere online, and (sadly) most people don’t care about international news. Instead I’d focus all my editorial efforts on original reporting about Boston, Massachusetts and, to a limited extent, New England. The Globe needs to narrow it’s niche. Trying to serve everyone won’t work in this climate. That’s my two cents, but what do I know. That and a dollar won’t even buy you a newspaper these days.

  2. Unless Massachusetts plans to secede from the Union, a lot of things that happen in Washington DC directly affect us here. At the very least, our local newspaper needs to keep an eye on what our Congressmen and Senators are doing for us.

  3. Ron: Agreed — but it doesn’t seem to me that the Globe Washington bureau spends much time doing that.

  4. Mr. Cutler is more than two cents right about what he is saying. Compared to current executive salaries, those suggestions are most likely worth a few million. But, please don’t wait by the mailbox for the check – – – your time and ideas are too valuable.

  5. Dan,It will be sad (if predictable) if they close the bureau. Especially only two years removed from a Pullitzer. At least the Times will still have Charlie Savage reporting in D.C.(sigh …)

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