By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

David Brooks’ reality-based conservatism

I think this column speaks incredibly well of both Team Obama and David Brooks.

Earlier in the week, Brooks went off on President Obama, characterizing his budget and spending priorities as “a promiscuous unwillingness to set priorities and accept trade-offs,” and calling for an alliance between moderate conservatives (such as himself) and moderate liberals to stop Obama’s runaway ambitions.

The White House responded to Brooks by laying out its case, arguing that the president hasn’t abandoned his preference for a cautious, incremental approach to problem-solving, but had to respond to an unprecedented financial crisis. Given a few years and a little luck, Obama’s aides say, and things will be back on track.

Brooks writes:

I didn’t finish these conversations feeling chastened exactly….

Nonetheless, the White House made a case that was sophisticated and fact-based. These people know how to lead a discussion and set a tone of friendly cooperation.

I’m guessing that Brooks doesn’t think Rush Limbaugh is the leader of the Republican Party. Or, if he does, he’s horrified.

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  1. mike_b1

    The problem is, it doesn’t matter whether Brooks thinks Limbaugh is the leader of the GOP. The Congressional Republicans — what few are left — think he is. They are so vacant of ideas and intellect, the Great Fatso’s bizarre rants have filled their (huge) void.As was said in The American President, “How can he say he loves America when he so clearly hates Americans?”Like the 50 or so members left of the Republican Party, the answer is, Mr. Oxycodone doesn’t love America, just the money it makes for him and the drugs it supplies him.

  2. Judy Meredith

    Nonetheless, the White House made a case that was sophisticated and fact-based. These people know how to lead a discussion and set a tone of friendly cooperation.Absolutely spot on. I have not been able to figure out exactly what they do and how they do it. He just doesn’t come across as the smartest boy in the room, even though he usually is. I guess his Momma taught him how to be respectful.

  3. O'Rion

    One of the reasons David Frum responded to Groucho Levin this week was to begin to promulgate the notion that talk hosts are windbag entertainers and can’t be thought of as GOP king-makers. At some point this spring I expect Steele to be dumped and the party begin a get real mode. Otherwise it’s nothing but wilderness for the foreseeable future.

  4. Hylen

    David Brooks

  5. Hylen

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