By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Nat Hentoff signs off, vows not to retire

Nat Hentoff has written his farewell column for the Village Voice after his unconscionable layoff. Hentoff quotes Tom Wicker’s tribute to I.F. Stone: “He never lost his sense of rage.”

I’ve called Hentoff and Molly Ivins the two best columnists never to win a Pulitzer. It’s still not too late for Hentoff, who, at 83, vows not to retire.

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  1. cmiller0424

    The only thing I’ve ever read by Hentoff was an article he did for The New Yorker back in the early 60s from when he was present at the recording sessions of “Another Side of Bob Dylan.” It remains one of the most fascinating things I’ve ever read. That piece alone makes me think I should read more of his stuff.

  2. The Arranger

    It’s a sad day in journalism indeed when Nat Hentoff loses his steady gig. Baseball, jazz and the First Amendment are our country’s greatest gifts to mankind, and Hentoff can lay claim to being one of the foremost advocates of two out of the three in his time. Not a bad life.Bob in Peabody

  3. Neil

    I don’t know, is being “laid off” even the right word for an 83 year old? Does he still need the steady gig? It’s not like his voice has been silenced–he can still write all he wants.

  4. Rachel

    Jesus Christ. I sure hope he lands a gig elsewhere; I always read the Voice for him and if Wayne Barrett had an article in. I sure hope Tom Robbin’s not in the firing lines.I’m also sorry to see Lynn Yaeger being laid off; she’s one of the few fashion writers (next to Suzy Menkes and Robin Givhan) who make the subject interesting, at least for me.

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