By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Ted Turner’s so-called thoughts

Tom Brokaw yesterday conducted what might be described as an odd interview with CNN founder Ted Turner on “Meet the Press.” Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say he conducted an interview with CNN’s odd founder, Ted Turner.

Anyway, here is the oddest part, which comes after a section in which Turner sings the praises of Vladimir Putin, even to the point of calling the KGB “an honorable place to work.”

MR. BROKAW: Your friend, Jimmy Carter, tried to be friendly with Leonid Brezhnev, and for his friendliness what did Brezhnev do?

MR. TURNER: Hell, I don’t remember. It was before I …

MR. BROKAW: He invaded Afghan …

MR. TURNER: … got involved.

MR. BROKAW: He invaded Afghanistan.

MR. TURNER: Well, we invaded Afghanistan, too, and it’s a lot further — at least it’s on the border of the Soviet Union or the former Soviet Union or Russia. A lot of these countries have changed names several times.

Good stuff if you enjoy train wrecks.

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  1. Shelly

    Does that mean that Massachusetts is free to invade Rhode Island?

  2. Dan Kennedy

    Shelly: Only if Rhode Island changes its name, apparently.

  3. Candace4Peace

    It may be difficult to hear that the USA is as guilty regarding invasions as the Russians, but in an unbiased analysis of recent history, it seems to be true. My pride in my country’s actions has been horribly disfigured by the transparent “oil grabbing” politics in Iraq. I no longer trust the CIA either.

  4. O'Rion

    The multimedia Brokaw experience can’t go back to Wyoming? soon enough. The books (does he write them?), the broadcasts (won’t leave it to Williams), moderator (awful), analysis (feckless). Not a fan.

  5. An Astute Observer

    I would think Liberals like you Dan would love Ted Turner…and embrace all his crazy notions…

  6. An Astute Observer

    Candace4peace wrote:**It may be difficult to hear that the USA is as guilty regarding invasions as the Russians, but in an unbiased analysis of recent history, it seems to be true. Candace, you DO know that Afghanistan was run by the Taliban and gave refuge to Al Queda….right?You do know this is country were were supposed to attack after 9/11….right?My pride in my country’s actions has been horribly disfigured by the transparent “oil grabbing” politics in Iraq. Without getting into the right/wrong of the war in general…a couple of thoughts…Have we been grabbing oil from Iraq? If so, why was oil at $4 gallon? No, we have not taken a penny in oil profits from Iraq. The money from Iraqi oil belonged to the Iraqi people.

  7. Candace4Peace

    If liberal means I love humanity and understand that Bush and Cheney only care about one thing, how much money they made on the war. Yep, I am a liberal.

  8. mike_b1

    Bush went into office with three goals: 1. Tax cut for the rich.2. Get the price of oil up over $60/barrel.3. Pack the Supreme Court.He accomplished all of them. Too bad for rest of us.Worst. President. Ever.

  9. O'Reilly

    I’m surprised Dan takes no issue with the Brokaw’s journalism, at the same time casting an unfavorable opinion of Turner, as “odd” but not saying why he finds Turner odd or what he means by odd.Look at Brokaw’s question regarding Carter and Brezhnev. Carter and Brezhnev were friends yet Brezhnev invaded Afghanistan, as if to say Carter’s friendship should have been singularly driving Brezhnev’s decision about military action, or Carter’s friendship was not respected or … that’s my point wtf is Brokaw trying to say or trying to ask? Turner was only saying to Brokow, you can’t judge the USSR, now Russia, by a different standard than you would to judge the USA, whether you are comparing the GIA and KGB or armed forces. Turner was only saying, if you’re going to judge Putin negatively for having a career in the KGB, judge George H W Bush negatively for the same reason, for having a career in the CIA. How the f@#% is that “odd”?To me, Turner is enlightened and honest saying publicly that world powers use military in bloody invasions and long-running wars that are not justified under national defense doctrine, and that one cannot claim that our (The US) goodness gives us authority to invade where their (Russia) badness deprives them of the SAME justifications to use their military power. Besides the substantive points, Ted’s style was not terribly open or engaging although he looks great. He answers were concise and he seemed a little guarded. I found Ted Turner infinitely more engaged and articulate than Brokaw. Who seem to be mailing it in.

  10. An Astute Observer

    Worst. President. Ever.Unless of course you were a hostage in Iran during (D)Jimmy Carter’s regime.Unless of course you saw your money buy less with the inflation of Jimmy Carter-(D)Unless you like sitting in gas lines during the (D)Carter Years.Unless you liked to watch the price of gas more than double (and stay there) during the Carter regime.If liberal means I love humanity and understand that Bush and Cheney only care about one thing, how much money they made on the war.Just to check this nonsense. How much money DID Bush and Cheney make on the war? If liberal means I love humanity…No, that’s not what it means.

  11. Dan Kennedy

    How much money DID Bush and Cheney make on the war?Bush? None. Cheney? Um, quite a lot, perhaps. You may recall that he lied when he told Tim Russert that he no longer received any money from Halliburton. At least indirectly, the war in Iraq will be helping to pay for the Cheneys’ extremely comfortable retirement.Not saying that’s why they went to war. I’m just saying don’t start throwing around generalities unless you know what you’re talking about.

  12. An Astute Observer

    Let’s add to the Jimmy Carter list:*Inflation nearing 14%*Interest rates of 16%I’m just saying don’t start throwing around generalities unless you know what you’re talking about.“he no longer received any money from Halliburton.”There ya go.

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