By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Chuck Turner, too

Boston City Councilor Chuck Turner is a major-league goofball, but he always struck me as honest. And perhaps he is.

But his reputation took a big hit this morning when he was arrested by the FBI in connection with the Dianne Wilkerson bribery case.

Oh, and there’s a Wilkerson-style photo, too. At least Turner keeps his shirt on.

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  1. Nial Liszt

    The timing seems suspicious. The municipal elections are only 49 weeks away.

  2. tvoh

    I know this is not the focus of the post, but I do have a question. I am no constitutional scholar, but why is the FBI investigating a local crime. I know this is a corrupt one party state and we don’t keep our house as clean as we should but what is the federal angle?What next, a Federal jaywalking investigation?

  3. mike_b1

    Love that “CASH” caption. They should have one pointing at Turner that reads “FOOL.”

  4. O-FISH-L

    Dan, how can you say that you always thought Chuck Turner was honest when the first thing you link to is his presentation of fake pictures to “prove” atrocities by the US military? Much like pregnancy, you can’t be a little bit honest.—TVOH, serious public corruption at all levels of government has always been the domain of the FBI, e.g. Buddy Cianci. The following passage is from a NY Times article by David Johnston published on 05/11/06 that cites the mission and other examples:”Much of the public corruption caseload involves state and local officials. The F.B.I. has reach into government operations throughout the United States, with names like Lively Green, an investigation into corruption along the southwest border; Wrinkled Robe, a bribery inquiry that led to several arrests, including two state judges in Louisiana; Tennessee Waltz, a sting operation that led to the arrest of several Tennessee state lawmakers; and Midas Touch, an investigation of the New Mexico state treasurer’s office.”

  5. Ani

    How can we know what other apparently corrupt dealings the FBI has not investigated? Which is not to say each person is not responsible for keeping his or her own nose clean, but it is difficult nonetheless to know what to make of what we’re being told without more, reliable information about the actual customs of the place. I have no idea who would be a willing, knowledgeable, and believable source for that.And Fish, while one could characterize someone with a non-viable, failing pregnancy as being pregnant, one could also, I think, characterize them as being a little bit pregnant.

  6. raccoonradio

    Should be interesting talk on Carr, McPhee’s shows today! btw Boston Radio Watch reports prog talk is coming back…though someone apparently has to pay for the airtime. WWZN 1510 will have Jeff Santos 6-9 am and Peter Collins 6-9 pm starting Dec 1, with a nationally syndicated progtalk host to follow in January.Local talk is key whether on the Left or right. Especially in Boston!

  7. Keohane

    I demand a federal investigation into what this man, a Boston City Councilor, was doing in his office at 7am on a Friday.

  8. O'Rion

    The -local- US Attorney can look into anything he wants (Chuck/Dianne included). When he moves (Sullivan)doesn’t pick up the phone and talk to Boston police detectives.

  9. bob gardner

    Nial, I’ll concede that the timing in Turner’s case is not suspicious. That leaves just one more question. Does anyone know if Turner was “crossing the powerful casino-gambling interests”?

  10. Nial Liszt

    Bob– What, you don’t believe that the Massachusetts grand jury system and the State Ethics Commission are in the satchel for Steve Wynn, Sheldon Adelson and Richard Fields?

  11. An Astute Observer

    Some people question your previous image of him as honest, but no one questions your characterization of him as a goofball.

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