By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Serving coffee with Google Maps

I’ve asked my students in Reinventing the News to file brief reports on coffee shops on and near (and in some cases not so near) the Northeastern University campus so that we can compile them all into a Google Maps presentation. I figured it was only fair that I do it, too. So here is my report on Cappy’s II, a small, storefront-style eatery located at 309 Huntington Ave.

When you think of Cappy’s II, you think of pizza, subs and big salads. My only previous visit had been to pick up a Caesar salad to go. It was quite good. But I’d never thought about Cappy’s for my morning coffee run. It’s a bit too far up Huntington, and I’ve become accustomed to Au Bon Pain, which is closer to my office.

I arrived at Cappy’s at about 8:45 a.m. Before walking inside, I took some photos. That elicited a few suspicious questions when I approached the counter. But once I explained what I was doing, I was greeted in a friendly manner.

It was after the breakfast rush but long before lunch, so I had the place pretty much to myself. A medium coffee set me back a reasonable $1.50 plus tax. I asked for half-and-half, and my server, Eleni Athanasiou (in photo), added it for me before handing it to me. Though I prefer self-serve (it’s why I like Starbucks better than Dunkin’ Donuts, even though the coffee at Dunks is pretty good), she got the mix just about right.

Though Cappy’s mainly caters to the takeout crowd, there are some tables, including a few that are out of the way enough to enjoy a relaxing meal. It’s got a full breakfast menu, which would make it a pretty good spot for a morning meeting. All in all, it was an enjoyable experience.

Cappy’s II is open seven days from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 a.m.

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  1. LFNeilson

    Hasn’t Cappy’s always been a liquor store? Whatsh in that coffee, Profeshor Kennedy?zzzzz

  2. touqen

    No. That’s Kappy’s with a K.

  3. Doug Shugarts

    Good idea for a project. Will the students report which coffee shops have wi-fi?Au Bon Pain is good. I like to stop at the Mass Ave location for coffee and then pick up two pecan-raisin rolls at the Whole Foods on Westland Ave.That’s my splurge when I’m in the Fenway.

  4. Mark

    Cappy’s in an institution – particularly the one on Westland… Brings me back.Would never have occurred to me to go for coffee though.

  5. bostonmediawatch

    The Globe should license this entry for their hyperlocal 309 Huntington Ave. site.:)(verification word: latti)

  6. Dan Kennedy

    BMW: I hope they do!

  7. MeTheSheeple

    Pizza’s good. They’re very nice.

  8. John Kelly

    It’s also not wheelchair accessible.

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