By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

From the top of Mount Monadnock

I led a church group to the summit of Mount Monadnock yesterday, on what may have been the best hiking day of the 21st century. We took the Dublin Trail from the north. We weren’t exactly alone, but it was a lot less crowded than the more popular trails up the south side of the peak.

This shot is from the summit, looking down on the Dublin Trail’s final, rocky approach.

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1 Comment

  1. Bob Collins

    From the flatlands of Minnesota: your picture has brought a tear to my eye. I miss New England, I miss Mt. Monadnock (and Packmonadnock) where my parents would always bring us when there was nothing else to do. What a great spot!While visiting relatives a few years ago — on the last trip to the mountain before my Dad died — my sons decided it was the greatest place on earth…. for a paintball tournament. Well, it was a start. (g)Thanks for sharing a piece of New England, New England.

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