By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Dark thoughts at the new OJR

The Online Journalism Review [link now fixed], which disappeared a few months ago, is back. Annenberg School director Geneva Overholser unveils the new OJR. Here’s one difference: black type on a dark gray background. Hmm …

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  1. Richard

    The dark gray is a compromise because they are using white text and black text on the same background which relegates you to a ‘medium’ value… half way between black and white. The error is wanting white text and black text in the first place. I really think they are in transition… the older links are still in the old style…Rich

  2. Jerry

    Dan, it looks like OJR is gone again. Go to (which is where your link took me) and all you find is a placeholder page.

  3. Dan Kennedy

    Jerry: My bad. I’ve fixed the link.

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